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What is Facebook Pixel? Facebook Pixel Usage

Facebook pixel is a tracking code you need to get a high return on both Instagram and Facebook ads. When you get this code from the “Ads Manager” section and install it on your site, you can find the chance to track all the activities of site visitors with this code. This ensures that the performance you get from your ads is high.
After installing the Facebook pixel code on your website, you need to make some adjustments. With these settings, the scope of the feature can be expanded and you can get much higher conversions on your site.

What is a Facebook Pixel?

To answer the question of what is a Facebook pixel in detail, it can be defined as a code snippet that helps to track the research, purchases and all activities that people coming to your website have done throughout the site. To add this code to your website, you need to go through some setup steps. After the addition process, you can work on advertising much more appropriately according to the user activities used in Facebook ads. Based on this, you can also get the chance to expand your target audience.

To set up Facebook pixels, you first need to get a code from Facebook Ads Managerto make it compatible with your own website. After receiving this code, you must complete a number of steps. This technology is an extremely important replacement in digital marketing today.

How to Use Facebook Pixel

Many digital marketers use the Facebook pixel in detail. Users who think that it is extremely simple to use also think that this application has extremely high returns. After installation, you will need to set up your pixel to record on-site events in order to use it. You can ask the pixel to keep track of certain events using the Facebook Event Setup Tool. These events are the following:
  • Payment initiation
  • Purchasing
  • Trial recordings
  • Subscriptions made
  • Payment finalization
  • In-site search operations
  • Number of page views

You can get detailed information about each movement with this app. Once you get the pixel code and place it on the website, you can create your ads. For this you need to use either the ad creation tool or the power editor. After ad creation, select the pixel that will be used to increase conversions on your website. After checking the other details, click on ‘Website Conversions’. Then you can start using the pixel with ease.

How to Create a Facebook Pixel

Before you start using Facebook pixels, you need to create the pixel you will use. For this, you need to follow these steps:

  • First, open the “Event Manager” section in the “Facebook Business Suite”.
  • Click on the green plus sign “Connect Data Sources“. Then select “Web” as the source.
  • Select “Facebook Pixel” as the connection method.
  • You must give this selected pixel a name.
  • Enter the site URL for easy installation.
  • Click “Continue” to complete the pixel creation.
You can then use the pixels.

How Facebook Pixel Works

Once Facebook pixel is installed, it has a very important function that will be useful to you. Because of this process, you can get the advantage of following the site more easily. First, complete the installation process of the pixel code. After installation, all data of site visitors starts to be collected.
The app analyzes every piece of data collected in detail. Along with the review, it also analyzes conversions and identifies a target audience. In the light of all the data collected, the advertising budget begins to take shape. As a result of all these studies, it draws you a roadmap for advertising by revealing a conversion rate for advertising performance.

What are Facebook Pixel Custom and Standard Actions?

There are both standard and specific actions to know when using Facebook pixels. By using these actions you can achieve better performance. The standard actions available to you are as follows:
  • Application form filling process,
  • Ability to start a free trial,
  • Location finding,
  • Content or product review process,
  • Being able to create differences in the characteristics of a product, such as both color and size,
  • Subscription registration completion process,
  • Buying products and adding to cart,
  • Content or product review process,
  • Payment information entry actions,
  • Adding to the wish list of products,
  • Product search process,
  • Location finding,
There are many standard actions such as. To use custom actions, you need to use a specific URL address. For example, there could be a review or thank you page to include user comments after a purchase. When specifying custom actions, you are asked to define a URL on which the site is directed to these pixels.

What is Facebook Pixel Custom Recycle Settings?

You can develop custom recycling settings for a specific audience. When these users perform a certain action, it is possible to track it. You can also evaluate these results very easily in your advertisements. Here are the points you can adjust in the custom recycling settings:
  • Entry actions of payment information,
  • Product search process,
  • Buying a product or adding to cart,
  • Content or product review process,
  • Add the product to the desired products list,
  • Completion of subscription registrations,

You can add users who perform all these actions to your custom audience and easily access their recycling information.

Facebook Pixel Usage Tips

There are a number of tips to make the use of Facebook pixels more functional. These tips can be listed as follows:
  • First, identify a very similar target audience for your data.
  • Develop your marketing campaigns from the ground up.
  • Identify your audience’s intent through URL events.
  • Continuously compare clicks with traffic data.
  • Take care to turn off the pixel when not in use.
  • Use ‘advanced matching’ to get very detailed and good data.
  • Make classifications based on your audience’s behavior.
  • Identify a target audience for your visitors by showing genuine interest.
  • Track conversions of Facebook Ads across platforms at the same time.
With each tip, you can also take advantage of using the Facebook pixel more effectively.

Advantages of Using Facebook Pixels

Using Facebook pixels offers significant advantages for digital marketers. This app will always help you to achieve higher efficiency when running an advertising campaign. However, it provides you with the opportunity to create new strategies by providing a lot of data in campaigns and advertisements. You can reach your targeted audience at more affordable prices.

With the Facebook Pixel code, you have the opportunity to carry out advanced marketing activities much more easily. It offers the advantage of making ads that reflect your target audience by allowing you to make the best advertising strategies.

With this application, you can easily target all users who shop online. In addition to these, you can easily perform your ad optimizations. All the data obtained after the ads are analyzed in great detail and you can see which ads you get more returns from. You can also redirect to the store. The routing process is one of the important advantages.
Thanks to this code, you can determine whether your customers want to shop online or physically and you can realize an appropriate advertising work. Thus, you will also ensure that your sales increase. With Facebook pixel code, you can easily prepare the most suitable ads for millions of people.