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What is SEO?

SEO is all the work that will enable you to rank high in the search engine in order to increase the amount and quality of traffic to your website as a result of organic search. The Turkish equivalent of this word, which is Search Engine Optimization in English, is Search Engine Optimization.

In order to understand exactly what the term SEO is, let’s examine this definition in more detail;

  • Traffic quality: You can attract all the traffic related to the searched words to your website, but the important thing here is to ensure that your visitors are actually coming to your website because of a topic related to your website is important to increase your traffic quality.
  • Amount of traffic: The condition that will allow you to get more traffic, provided they come to your website from the search engine results page (SERPs). Getting more traffic is important to ensure that you appear on the first page or in the first positions in SEO results.
  • Organic results: While the ads that appear after search results are only a part of the search engine results, organic traffic is traffic that you don’t have to pay for and is generated naturally.

How to do SEO?

The term search engine can be thought of as a website such as Google, Yahoo and Bing where you can find answers to your question or anything else you are looking for, potentially getting answers to your question. Bu kaba bir tanım olsa da, bu şeylerin doğru çalışması için arka uçta ne yapılması gerektiğini düşündünüz mü?

Google (or any search engine you use) has a crawler that collects information about all the content you can search for or that can be searched for. Crawlers bring all those 1s and 0s back to the search engine to build an index. This index is fed into an algorithm that tries to match all of this data to your query, and then presents the words you are looking for in a way that can produce compatible results.

There are many important factors that influence a search engine’s algorithm and experts list them as follows:

“These optimizations can take many forms, from ensuring title tags and meta descriptions are both informative and the right length, to showing internal and external links on pages.”

SEO Overview

If you have no previous knowledge about SEO, this blog post that we have prepared at a basic level will be very useful for you. SEO overview;

1- Creating an SEO-friendly website

From choosing a domain name to good practices for internal links, there are many details at the top of the right steps in terms of search engine optimization.

2- Keyword, content and markup language

A website is not really a website until you fully present your content there and you publish it;

because SEO in terms of content has certain variables. To write an SEO-friendly article or content, it is important to start by doing keyword research so that search engines can really understand and perceive your content.

This markup language is also called HTML. Browsers such as Google Chrome help transform the markup language coding that goes into creating web pages into a system that visitors can access.

3- In-site works

After learning what work you need to do in terms of SEO for content and related markups, another issue to learn is to have technical knowledge about robots.txt.

4- Off-site studies

From building quality Backlinks to creating Anchor Text, try to learn everything from anchor text more closely. For example, listen to users’ experiences to understand how and for what purpose nofollowing is done, when to use it, and whether guest blogging is actually useful. Try reading and analyzing detailed publications by people who have studied this topic.

Evolution of SEO Trends

Search engine algorithms are frequently updated to provide users with more accurate results, and SEO tactics continue to evolve in line with these changes. So if someone is giving you SEO advice that you’ve experienced doesn’t work, maybe they’re not up to date. For this reason, working with the right and reliable seo agency will lead you to success.

For a more technical overview of SEO, you can watch the video below.