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Content Planning for Blogging in 6 Steps

Maintaining a blog is not just about writing lots of blog posts. For this, you need to develop a strategy and plan your content (especially if you write with multiple authors). You should also interact with your audience and respond to their comments. In this post, we will discuss the importance of content planning and give you practical tips on how to plan your blog posts!

Planning a Blog Post That Works

If your blog is growing, your audience is growing, and you’re getting more serious about blogging, it’s time to start planning your content. If you have a personal blog, planning your content will be quite easy. If you write about different topics or work with multiple authors, planning becomes even more difficult.

In the rest of this article, we will discuss 6 important points that will help you create a proper plan:

1. Have a calendar

If you work with multiple authors and publish posts frequently, an editing calendar is important. You should therefore mark all the posts you are going to write in a calendar that you will draw. This could simply be an excel sheet, but it might be easier to use a plugin or service that includes a drag-and-drop calendar for this. Trello, MeisterTask or Monday. In this calendar you can easily assign publications to authors and editors and use tags to categorize them if you want.

2. Meeting and brainstorming

If you want to fill your calendar, you can start with a brainstorming session. You can invite all bloggers and organize a meeting. Don’t forget to ask everyone what their ideas are and what they would like to write about in the near future.
Make a list of ideas and wishes and then add them to the calendar. Let your authors know to finish their blog posts a few days before the publication date so that you can read them before publication, edit them if necessary and find or create the necessary images or photos.

3. Decide on the frequency

You should write blog posts at regular intervals. You should create a specific plan and stick to it. This will build trust with your readers and they will eagerly await the next blog post from you. Once you have decided on your program of choice, don’t forget to engage with your followers and ask them to comment on your posts!

4. Add variation

If you often write about similar topics, it’s a sign that things are getting a bit complicated. You shouldn’t write article after article on almost the same topics Of course, you can write blog series, but vary the topics as much as possible. You can also change the format of the content from time to time to avoid boring your readers.

5. Use news and current events

While you’re building in, take a look at your calendar! Are there any important events worth mentioning in your blog posts? Or should you write periodicals? Proceed by answering these questions.

6. Use a style guide

Creating a style guide for a blog post is a great way to ensure that everyone is producing content with the same frequency. You can try writing words in a certain style. We should all write grammatically and correctly, but the use of capital letters and brand names can be different.

In the style guide, you can also agree on the length of the text, the use of paragraphs and headings, and the use of images. It should be a document where you write down everything that needs to be consistent in your writing. Also don’t forget to add some pointers for SEO copywriting!

If you occasionally work with a guest blogger, a style guide can be a great document to help them write a post that also fits the style of your blog.

Content Planning Will Help You Grow!

Growing your website by blogging may seem like a long-term endeavor, but you will be able to see the rewards of this work in search engine ranking, that is, in SEO. A growing blog will require more content planning, especially if you are working with multiple writers. It is important to agree on the topics to write about and the number of blog posts to write. As authors continue to work together, a multi-author blog can be a huge success and make your site even bigger!