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How to Make SEO Compatible Web Design?

SEO web design, which has become a great need today and is very effective in bringing websites to the forefront, is the organization and development of each page of websites to make them search engine friendly. In this way, websites are optimized in accordance with search engines, ensuring high performance.

When a website is characterized as search engine friendly, popular search engines around the world, especially Google, can efficiently crawl each of the website pages. It can efficiently interpret all the contents and index them seamlessly in the database. Each indexed page can be among the most relevant results based on users’ searches. Such processes enable internet users to easily access websites through search engine queries.
The more effective and successful the strategies are in SEO compatible web designs, the website has a chance to be on the first pages of search results. It is therefore crucial that work in this area is prioritized and rigorously regulated. You have to remember that countless people use search engines every day, and very few of them visit websites that make it past the first pages and into other rankings. For this reason, you need to turn to SEO compatible web design in order to increase your organic traffic and become much more accessible. So what do you need to do to optimize your new website for search engines? It is important to note two key areas here. These can be categorized as on-page optimization and off-page optimization.

What Are the SEO-Friendly On-Page Optimization Strategies?

All of the work controlled by the website owner and carried out on web pages for the search engine is known as on-site SEO. It is very important to take the right steps in such studies carried out with specific SEO strategies. With the right and effective strategies, you can achieve successful results and improve your SERP ranking by enabling search engines to crawl and understand the content on your page. The main strategies you should know within this scope are as follows:
  • You need to select and use title tags, meta description tags, image alt tags and subjects in appropriate places on website pages.
  • You need to do keyword research. In this process, you should take care to identify the right keywords and use them in the right parts of the content.
  • Creating a URL structure is also an important step. It is effective to prepare an optimized URL for both users and search engines.
  • The content on the pages of your website needs to be crawled and understood by search engines. In this way, your brand, which is accessible, continues to grow.
  • You should create internal links in the content that respond to users’ expectations. This way, you can take effective steps in creating navigation and information architecture and improve the user experience.
  • You can enrich your content type by creating engaging images, videos, texts, lists.
  • You need to make your website design responsive to increase interaction across devices.

Organize Your Off-Page SEO Optimization to Be Search Engine Friendly

As important as it is for the pages on the website to be suitable for SEO, off-site work should also be SEO-friendly. This way, you can effectively carry out your brand’s marketing operations and enjoy the advantage of establishing a lasting presence in the digital world.
Off-site SEO, which manages the process of conducting all marketing and amplification processes outside the website, helps your brand stand out in search results. It also adds value to your brand by increasing the authority of your website. This type of work refers to SEO work done on social media platforms and external areas. To achieve successful results and carry out SEO-friendly off-page optimization, you should pay attention to the following techniques:
  • You should make sure that your inbound links from external platforms have keyword-rich content.
  • It is important to analyze which SEO techniques competitors are using to improve your ranking in search results.
  • By adding links to content that is not at the forefront of your website, you should ensure that these areas are also activated.
  • You should make your brand more accessible by earning inbound links from websites that are considered advanced by search engines.

The Importance of White Hat and Black Hat SEO Techniques

Each of the SEO techniques, which are divided into different categories, are studies that improve search engine ranking and increase brand awareness. For this reason, it is necessary to pay attention to all details and carry out a holistic work. At this point, it is especially important to familiarize yourself with the techniques described as white hat and black hat.

White Hat Techniques

Instead of focusing on a specific search engine, the strategies under the name of white hat techniques are targeted at the target audience. In such studies, processes such as identifying and using the right keywords, conducting detailed research on the target audience, rewriting meta tags in accordance with the target audience are included. This improves both SERP ranking and website traffic.

Black Hat Techniques

Black hat techniques, on the other hand, are SEO techniques that allow your website to rise to the top of the search engine rankings in a short time and actually achieve success as a result of violating search engine rules. These studies focus only on the search engine. Access to the target audience is not considered in this process. For this reason, such SEO techniques involve short-term results rather than long-term but effective investment.