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Tips to Improve Ads Performance

Analyzing the performance of the AdWords keyword planner and analyzing that data is a time-consuming task. We have shared some tips for you to increase Ads performance without requiring detailed analysis and a lot of effort.

With this blog post, you will be able to organize your own accounts, easily view and analyze your important data and interpret your own data without spending hours. In short, in this blog post, we will give you 5 suggestions that will easily increase your Ads performance! With these quick tips, you will save time and learn what you can do to improve ads performance.

1- Create tags to improve ads performance!

First of all to improve your ads performance;
  • Your keywords,
  • I want to see your campaigns and
  • You should categorize your ads.
Afterwards, it will be convenient to use the segments tab so that you can create tags and filter the tags you have created easily. You can apply more than 1 tag at a time and as you will see below, tags are important to understand when your ad starts and what landing page it leads to before you run the report.

2- Change Chart View with CTR value

Another way to quickly check the ad performance you have created is to change the graphical view in the ads tab.
For example, you have implemented new ads and want to get quick feedback on how they are performing. Then simply select CTR (Click Through Rate) from the drop-down list in the chart. This will give you a quick snapshot to see if your CTR has increased or decreased, while also allowing you to easily identify and isolate any problems.

3- Use Mobile Offer Setting

Location on mobile is important for Google ads. This is important data that we need to constantly check. these are often not remembered, so be aware of your mobile location and if they are greater than 2; don’t forget to use the mobile offer adjuster!

4- Where Your Video Ads Are Showing!

We’ve all complained that YouTube ads are a nuisance and difficult to navigate. Although this annoyance has been greatly improved recently, it is still something you should always check, but once you know how to find it, it will quickly become an important part of your performance review.

We’ve all complained that YouTube ads are a nuisance and difficult to navigate. Although this annoyance has been greatly improved recently, it is still something you should always check, but once you know how to find it, it will quickly become an important part of your performance review.

With this simple improvement, you can save your ad dollars from inefficient impressions and earn more effective ad impressions.

5- Use Tools for Keyword Planning

When exporting files from the Excel planner, we do not forget to look at the keyword rows. Some of these are relevant, but many also contain information that is not useful.
For example; if we are searching for the keyword “Loan Rates”, AdWords will search for auto loans, mortgages… etc. can make recommendations.
A quick way to eliminate all of these keywords and focus only on keywords containing “Credit” is to use the “Ctrl F” function.
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  • Click Ctrl F and the Find and Replace tool opens. Enter the keyword you want to target in the “searched” field.
  • Then use the shift key to select all rows in the box. Highlight them with a color. Sort keywords by color.
  • In just a few minutes you have removed thousands or irrelevant keywords. You can now upload the results and continue your work.
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While it’s important to improve your Ads performance and spend enough time to meticulously review and plan your campaigns, there are situations where you need to quickly review and sift through complex data in minutes. Using Excel tools to get a quick impact on optimization or navigating thousands of spreadsheet rows can become part of effectively managing your time for your clients.