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What are Google Search Ads?

Google Search Ads are based on keywords. When any user types the product or service they are looking for into a search engine, if the search results are relevant to your keywords, your ads will be displayed by users. Your ads will only be displayed when the keywords you have set are searched.

This advertising model, also known as search ads, is one of the most popular channels of online advertising. Likewise, it is very effective in terms of providing products or services directly to your target audience.

Rank First Among Google Search Ads!

Google attaches great importance to user experience. In other words, Google aims to show relevant content in search engine queries. When Google presents relevant content to users, it waits to see whether the content meets users’ expectations, determines your ranking accordingly and reviews the relevance of the ads by examining whether they are related to the relevant web page. All these will affect the quality score and preferability of your advertisement. In addition to all these, the absence of redirects on the website where the ad will appear, the original page content, page opening speed and device compatibility are among the factors that will affect the top ranking of your ad.

If you pay attention to all these factors we have listed above, Google will charge you per click and will add to the criteria how much you want to pay maximum from these clicks.

How Should Keyword Selection Be?

To choose the right keywords, you need to start thinking like your users or customers. Let’s say you sell evening dresses. How will any user search in this situation? Is “outfit” the right keyword choice? or “dress” would be a synonym keyword that could also be used for this phrase.
Another aspect is the use of negative keywords. When running Google Ads, it is just as important which words you will be displayed on as which words you will not be displayed on. To continue with the example above, when making a negative keyword for “evening dresses”, you can negate the phrase “women’s sportswear” and moreover, you can diversify them.

You should definitely use keyword tools. With the help of the keyword tool that you can use for free and easily, you can choose the keywords that your customers frequently use. You can easily benefit from Google’s free keyword tool. In this way, you can easily create new keywords and you can also get help here for negative keywords.

The Relationship Between Google Search Ads and Landing Page

Google Search Ads are important as they will be matched to your landing page where you have set your campaign and relevant keywords. If your landing page meets the criteria above, it will benefit your visitors in terms of conversion rates. It is also important to choose and display the most appropriate type of advertisement for your target audience. You can test this with an A/B landing page test and make corrections and improvements where necessary.

The Importance of Google Search Ad Texts

Using ad extensions professionally on Google Search Ads, where the level of competition is the highest, will take you one step ahead of your competitors.

Keep in mind that there is a certain character limit when preparing ad texts. The ad texts you will use should be effective, targeted to the target audience and to explain your product and discounts, if any. You can also add phone numbers and click-to-call features to your ads, and if you have a campaign, you can add countdown features and price information.

The Importance of Remarketing Remarketing

There are many ways to retarget your customers. Remarketing is just one of them. You should not forget to make Remarketing Listings for Google Search Ads. By targeting your ads to show your ads to users who have already visited your website; you can increase your sales and try to remind your brand again.