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What is a Keyword Planner?

Keyword Planner, also known as Google Keyword Planner, is a free tool available to you on Google Ads. As the name of the application suggests, it is designed for keyword planning and finding the right keywords for your campaigns.
Aside from the design changes made in 2018, the main features offered in the Keyword Planner have remained largely unchanged since 2013! In this design change, several useful features were added to the tool, including historical data, mobile search volumes, and new metrics.

How to Use Google Keyword Planner?

To use Keyword Planner, you must first have a Google Ads account. Immediately afterwards, you can access the keyword planner from the Google Ads interface by clicking “Tools” in the top right menu. Google automatically deactivates accounts that have not spent anything in the last 15 months. Your disabled account can be reactivated, but if you do not spend any money within the next 3 months, it will be disabled again.

Is it available for free?

Yes! You can use the Keyword Planner tool for free as long as you keep your Google Ads account active, but unfortunately you will not have access to all features. In 2016, Google removed the exact search volume data for keywords from users who did not spend enough on ads.
In other words, if you want to use Google Keyword Planner for search volume but don’t have active campaigns, you won’t obtain very useful data.

What Data Can I See?

Keyword Planner is a tool widely used by PPC and SEO professionals. You can find the following data in Google Keyword Planner:

  • Monthly search volumes and intervals (depending on spend on Google Ads)
  • Historical search volumes up to 2014
  • Mobile search volumes
  • Keyword ideas based on your keyword
  • Competition in Google Ads
  • Proposed proposals
  • Share of ad impressions
  • Estimates for impressions and clicks based on your offers
  • Predictions for locations and devices
  • Organic average position and impression share

How to Use Google Keyword Planner?

After launching the application, you can start your research in two ways:
  • Find new keywords : This app will help you to find new keyword ideas.
  • Get search volume and predictions: Helps you get search volumes and predictions for your keywords

The Importance of Google Keyword Planner for SEO

Although it was initially designed for PPC advertisers, this application quickly became a favorite keyword research tool for thousands of SEO professionals worldwide.
Previously, the free parts were sufficient for SEO, but SEO efforts have come a long way every year and as a result, the keyword planner is no longer a sufficient tool for SEO research alone. Nowadays, Google This app no longer provides all the information necessary for SEO keyword research. The main reasons for this include:
  • Using search volume ranges instead of hard data
  • Lack of SEO keyword competition (difficulty)
  • Lack of SERP analysis
  • Not including other SEO metrics


If you are already using Google Ads for your keyword research, you can use this tool as you wish and decide which keywords to target based on alternative search results for your keywords!