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What is Featured Snippet?

Featured Snippet contains a summary of the information on the page related to the search, page link, title and URL when any user searches on Google. This feature, which offers ready answers to users, is also very important in terms of rankings.

Featured Snippet Types

There are 3 different Featured Snippet types, these are;

1- Paragraph Snippets

  • The best answer to the user’s query is a copy of the page.
  • Includes a direct link to the URL of the site
  • Can be included in the results area with or without images

2- List Type Snippets

  • Marked directly from a page using the HTML tags <ol> or <ul>; shows numbered or bulleted lists
  • Includes a direct link to the URL of the site
  • Can be displayed with or without visuals.

3- Table Type Snippets

  • <table> represents content contained in HTML tags
  • Gives a direct link to the URL of the site

Featured Snippet Working Logic

The content on the web page is interrupted by the program. Snippet is actually an application developed to attract users’ attention on the results page. After the search engine, when it is determined that the user has asked a question, the pages that answer these questions are detected by the program developed for the snippet and the quoted part of the web page is shown in the featured snippets area.
Pages on websites are crawled by Google bot. Pages with descriptive and effective content are automatically selected by the system. In this process, answer boxes are measured based on user experiences. Search results and the parts that overlap with the content are identified and presented to the user in the top section of the search results in the box.
During the evaluation period of the content, there is no intervention in the system and there is no authorization to make changes in the content at this stage. Google has full authority in this process.

What is the Benefit of Featured Snippet?

The impact of Featured Snippets on organic site traffic is a highly debated topic. Since this way, users are presented with information directly from organic search, the biggest danger is that site traffic will take the biggest danger. Since the information the user is looking for or trying to reach is obtained by the Snippet, they may not need to navigate or click on other pages of the site.

Some users argue that because the search result is so widespread and mostly visual, more users are likely to click through to the site associated with the Featured Snippet.

According to research, Featured Snippet helps increase visitor traffic by 28.2%. On the other hand, according to the research conducted by “Marketing Champlu”, it has both positive and negative effects on click-through rates and organic traffic. As a result, we cannot say that Featured Snippet has no effect on your site in terms of SEO. This effect varies according to the device searched and organic search results.

Optimize Your Web Page!

In order for your web pages to be included in Featured Snippet, you must first solve possible problems that may occur in the page content. To do this, you can easily apply the checklist we have listed below on your pages.
After applying this list of questions, you should make the necessary optimizations on your pages and format them!
  • Make sure your content clearly and directly answers the searched question!
  • Attach the answer to the copy of the page, preferably with the first few sentences
  • Ideally, the number of characters in the answer length should be between 40-50.
  • Be sure to include the page URL in the search query
  • Whenever possible, format your content appropriately in HTML tags (<table>, <p>, <ol> or <ul>).
  • Make sure the questions are in the page title (<h1> tag)
  • You should create subheadings in accordance with the main question and subject title, format them using <h2> tags.
  • Ensure the best possible image optimization.