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What is Google Alerts?

Google Alerts is a notification system that notifies you about words you’ve been working on or lets you receive an email when new results appear. If you have not used this application before, it would be beneficial to try it as soon as possible.
First of all, you should set your goals before installing this app. A few words of keywords in which you will write the brand name; This may not be enough for your strategies.

You can go through these headings when setting your goals;

  • Monitoring negative comments about your website or brand,
  • Follow what your competitors are writing about or what is being written about them on blogs or news sites,
  • Monitoring important changes and trends in your targeted industry
  • trying to find new channels by contributing to the content you have produced.

Benefits of Using Google Alerts

Keyword tracking feature

With the Google Alerts feature, you can track the keyword you want to target or monitor. These can be blogs, various forums, news sites, YouTube, or other websites.

Automatic e-mail sending

It will send the results for each of your selected keywords to your email address. You can view the results at any time from

You set the timing!

Google allows you to choose how often you would like to receive mail. It offers you a variety of options, whether you want to receive content daily or weekly in accordance with the words you target. You can customize this section as you wish.

How to Set Up Google Alerts?

It is very easy for you to install. For this, your guide should be as follows;
  • Go to the Google Alerts web page! (it will take you directly to the Google Alerts home page).
  • Enter the word you are targeting (Type the topic or word you want to receive an alert for in this section).
  • Create an alert (you must enter a valid email address where Google can send you the results. You can then complete this process by clicking the “Create Alert” button)
  • Select a Source Type (News, Blogs, Video, Discussions and Books, etc.)
  • Set Frequency (You can specify how often you want the results to be sent to your e-mail address. You can set options like once a week, once a day, etc. here)
  • Select Search Volume (Google will filter your results by topic and results. Click the “Create Alert” button and then enter your login information.)