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What is Mobile First Indexing?

Mobile First Indexing is the starting point for the mobile version of your website in Google’s index. If you don’t have a mobile version of your site, the desktop version can also be added to this directory, but remember that a responsive mobile-friendly website can have a positive impact on rankings!

Mobile First Indexing aims to improve the user experience. Since it optimizes your site in terms of SEO, it means that you should now also focus on the mobile version and give the mobile version the necessary importance. It will no longer be enough for you to do your SEO work only according to the desktop version, as it was done in the past. Google currently only considers sites that offer the best experience on mobile as part of mobile first indexing.

What You Need to Do to Take Part in Mobile First Indexing

Responsive and dynamic websites are not negatively affected by this indexing. With this change, Google aims to provide a better experience for mobile users. In summary, responsive or mobile-friendly sites do not need to make any extra changes for Mobile First Indexing.

If you have a separate mobile site, do not forget to check the following items:

  • Content: Make sure your mobile version has high quality and valuable content. (These can include text, videos and images) The formats used for images need to be scannable and indexable.
  • Meta Data: You should make sure that titles and meta descriptions are the same on all pages and in both versions. You may want to optimize your mobile headlines with fewer characters, but this requires the same information and relevant keywords.
  • Social metadata: (LinkedIn, Twitter, YouTube and other social metadata should be included in the mobile version as well as the desktop version.
  • XML and media sitemaps: Make your sitemap links accessible via the mobile version.
  • Search Console verification: If you’ve only verified your desktop site through Search Console, make sure to add and verify the mobile version as well.
  • Creating an app directory: If you have an app directory set up for your desktop site, you can use the mobile version of the site to create app association files, etc. Be sure to verify it in relation to
  • Server capacity: Make sure your host servers can handle the increased scanning speed. .


If you don’t have a mobile version of your site and your desktop version is not mobile-friendly, your content may still be indexed, but it may not rank better than mobile-friendly websites. This will negatively impact your overall ranking in both desktop and mobile search results because these sites are considered to provide a lower user experience compared to other browsers.
If your page includes the AMP version, this version is preferred first during mobile indexing. This application will take you one step ahead of your competitors in mobile searches.