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What is Remarketing?

If you are conducting marketing activities in the digital field, you should benefit from the remarketing system, which is among the most powerful strategies in this field. Often confused with retargeting, remarketing is actually quite different from retargeting, although it performs a similar function.
While retargeting generally uses cookies on users’ computers in online channels, digital marketing strategies come to the fore when it comes to retargeting. With perfectly executed remarketing, it is possible to increase your conversion figures significantly. This way you can achieve high profits at low cost. However, such work done unconsciously will only cause you to spend your budget unnecessarily. For this reason, it is very important to get professional support.

What is Remarketing?

Remarketing, which allows you to reach your target audience by using a wide variety of channels, provides a great advantage to its users. In particular, potential customers are accessed through channels such as SMS, e-mail and push notifications.
For example, in these studies, which foresee the effort to reach users who visit your website but exit without taking advantage of your products or services for any reason, the focus is on why visitors leave your site and various studies are carried out in this area, aiming to make these customers take the purchasing action.

How is Remarketing Done?

Remarketing, which is frequently mentioned in online marketing activities, provides advantages in many ways. At this point, the question of how to do remarketing inevitably arises. In this process, you first need to know that you can do remarketing using Google Ad.
First, you can create a remarketing code, then you can add this code to the areas of your website where you want to attract your customers. In this way, you can redirect users who visit your website to content that you encourage them to purchase with retargeting, thus re-activating them with remarketing. At this stage, you should pay attention to the following details:
  • You should set your goals clearly.
  • You should definitely test each and every campaign you prepare.
  • You should choose a specific audience by preparing a segmentation for your target audience.
  • You should use remarketing by leveraging multiple formats.

What Does Remarketing Add to Your Brand?

When the right steps are taken, remarketing, which creates a tremendous impact and maximizes the efficiency of your website, contributes to your brand in many ways. For example;
  • You remind your market research audience about your products or services.
  • You refer users who have not bought your products but have been in contact with them before to make a purchase.
  • You direct your customers who have already made a purchase through your website to shop again. Thus, you gain customer loyalty.
  • You reach users who have previously added some products to your cart on your website but have not made a purchase with actionable content to remind them.

How to Create Remarketing Audiences?

When you create online marketing strategies, you often come across the concept of remarketing audiences. In order to achieve the success you want from the campaigns you have prepared and to reach your goal, you need to create your remarketing audience in the most accurate way. Therefore, it is important that you take steps by answering the question of how to create remarketing audiences.
The process of creating a highly advantageous remarketing audience is actually a subject that almost all analysts using Google Analytics know. If you are new to this field and have recently started using Google Analytics, you should proceed by knowing the details below:
  • First, connect Google Analytics and Google Ads accounts.
  • Set up these linked accounts on the e-commerce platform you will analyze. Thus, all of the remarketing audiences created are sent directly to Google Ads.
  • To define the audiences, log in to the “Admin” panel of the Analytics account. This panel is located in the menu on the left.
  • When you open the admin panel, you will see 3 different options. These are considered the 3 tiers of the Analytics hierarchy and are listed as Account, Property, View.
  • To define Remarketing audiences, you need to switch to the Property layer. Here you can link the Analytics account with other products. You can also make custom definitions here.
If you have not defined any audiences for the Property, the remarketing screen opens directly as soon as you click the Audiences button. At this point you need to select the view from which to retrieve the data and proceed to the next step. Then you need to open the Ads account. You can then activate the remarketing system by clicking on the Activate button. At this stage it is important to know that the initial remarketing audience automatically applies to all users. If you want customization, you can create the audience manually. It would be right to carry out such operations with professional people. Otherwise, you may not be able to achieve the desired results.

Remarketing Campaign Types

When it comes to remarketing, there are many different types of campaigns. The main reason for this is that depending on the advertising technologies used, countless remarketing constructs can be created. However, in such remarketing campaigns, 4 different options stand out in particular. We can briefly mention them as follows:

Users Visiting the Website

This type of remarketing campaign specifically utilizes a cookie-based technology. A cookie is placed on the computer of users who have previously visited your website. This cookie consists of a simple Javascript code. With this code, you can easily track your visitors even if they have left your website and ensure that the campaigns you want reach them.

Video Remarketing

Video remarketing is also one of the most popular types of advertising campaigns. With this method, you can include not only people who have visited your website or app, but also users who have watched the relevant video in the target audience pool and you can access them at any time. To reach such users with video remarketing, you can take advantage of the advertising technologies of platforms such as Facebook, Instagram and YouTube.

Targeting with Customer Data

It is especially useful to take advantage of the list created by customer data in the work you can do with remarketing. When you create a campaign, you can use this customer data to easily reach the existing target audience and get them to make a purchase.

Email Remarketing

You can create remarketing audiences in a variety of ways and use email marketing strategies to retarget them. Thus, you can achieve the desired conversion by making them aware of the campaigns you want.

What are the Advantages of Remarketing?

Remarketing, which translates as remarketing, is a tremendous method when applied correctly. In particular, it is very important that you create the ideal ad duration and determine the number of impressions correctly. This requires expertise and experience in remarketing.
The advantages of effective remarketing are as follows:
  • Low cost but high profit margins.
  • It reminds users who have already logged in to your website but have not taken any steps to shop for your products.
  • It enables new promotions to be made to your existing customers who have previously shopped on your website in order to gain their loyalty. It also informs them about various campaigns and encourages them to shop again.
  • Some of the users who visit your website do not make a purchase even though they have put various products in the shopping cart. At this point, it reminds them of the products in the basket and encourages them to shop.

You can benefit from the remarketing system, which is a great strategy method to take the right steps in online marketing and increase the efficiency of your website, and you can get maximum profit by taking the right steps. Thus, you can strengthen your brand and put your signature under highly successful projects.