The most important title tag is the h1 tag and the least important is the h6 tag. In HTML coding,
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The most important title tag is the h1 tag and the least important is the h6 tag. In HTML coding,
A meta description is an HTML attribute that provides a short summary of a web page. Search engines like Google
Page reputation (PA) is a score developed by Moz that predicts how well a given page will rank in search
Crawl Budget is the number of pages that Google bots crawl and index on a website within a specific time
Having a fast loading website is probably every webmaster’s dream. One way to optimize page speed is to use images
A good XML sitemap acts as a roadmap for your website, guiding Google to all your important pages. XML sitemaps
You may not have heard of Structured Data,, and JSON-LD before, and you might not have delved into what
Google Alerts is a notification system that notifies you about words you’ve been working on or lets you receive an
Rich snippets are an effort to increase relevance with a well-structured format and to provide more information about a page
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