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What is a backlink? 10 Best Backlink Analysis Tools

One of the most important parts of almost every business line in the world is digitalization. Firms rely on the digital world to help them find new markets or consolidate their position in the market. For this reason, it is very important for a website to be included in frequently preferred search engines such as Google or Yahoo. But it’s not easy to rank high in search engine results. As a matter of fact, there are multiple factors that affect the ranking in search engines. Backlinks are among the most important of these factors. The process of doing research on competitor sites and measuring search data is called backlink inquiry.

What is a Backlink?

The redirection process of a website by linking or hyperlinking to another page on its own page is called a backlink. For example; If site X places a referral link to site Y on its page, this is a backlink. Thus, by getting a backlink from site Y, site X has the chance to increase its on-site traffic and improve its rankings in search engines.

How to Search Backlinks for Free?

Website owners need to check the links they place on their own sites or redirect from other sites. This inquiry and control process shows the timeliness of the site and the way it is directed.
Although backlink inquiry is usually done through paid applications, some applications provide this service to users free of charge. Through these applications, people can detect dead links on their sites and web pages directed to them and learn their ranking.


Ahrefs is one of the applications where a website owner can see in-site traffic, detail site analysis and perform backlink query or backlink analysis. The application is a highly advanced SEO tool that offers a detailed analysis. Users can make their own backlink inquiries with the Ahrefs application, as well as get ideas from similar sites and site owners.

There are tools where the Ahrefs application stands out from other similar applications. One of the privileges of Ahrefs is that it provides very detailed data. Another additional feature is that it analyzes the keywords used by competitor sites and the ads placed on Google. The tools that people can benefit from within the Ahrefs application are as follows:
  • Content Explorer,
  • Keyword Tool,
  • Rank Tracker,
  • Site Control Explorer.


One of the applications that people often use for keywords and backlink queries is Semrush. Website owners prefer this simple analysis tool because of its simple structure and ease of use.
Semrush offers its users a very simple and effective SEO tool to increase website traffic. In this way, people can create new customer profiles and improve themselves. The advantages offered by the Semrush application to people are as follows:
  • Analyzing rival sites,
  • In-site optimization studies,
  • Backling query and analysis,
  • Dead link tracking,
  • In-site needs list.
The app offers a one-week trial package for users who want to try it out. After this trial period, people have the opportunity to switch to a paid package if they wish. The area where Semrush stands out is keyword analysis.

Majestic SEO

Majestic, a UK-based SEO tool, stands out as one of the most detailed applications. It can also be defined as a digital consultant thanks to the professional support it offers to its users. Majestic SEO is an SEO tool that can offer a personal analysis as well as corporate analysis.

Majestic SEO is an application preferred by users with its backlink analysis and backlink query features. The application, which has monthly, annual and weekly fee options, provides control of all links and offers detailed analysis of these links.


Another one of the SEO tools that website owners frequently use is Moz. The application performs detailed scanning to ensure that the results of backlink analysis and backlink queries are accurate.
The Moz app, which has two payment systems on a monthly and annual basis, also has features such as editing dead links, preparing site grades and measuring ranking rankings.

Google Search Console

One of the services provided free of charge to websites by Google is the Google Search Console service. The application reports the Google search results of the website to which it is connected, completes the analysis process with backlink query and offers advice with professional tools for site development. The application, which does not require any membership and fee, stands out as Google’s professional SEO tool.
Google Search Console provides users with all the traffic data and analysis reports that the site would want to have. Unlike other applications, Search Console stands out as being free, but the fact that it provides all the services offered by paid applications stands out as the biggest advantage of the application.

Link Research Tools

Link Research Tools, which has the ability to work with other SEO tools, is a very useful SEO analysis application. It offers detailed site analysis and reports thanks to the other SEO tools it has partnered with. Link Research Tools, which stands out as the first choice of users who want to get a detailed report in a short time, is also a very powerful application for backlink querying.
The biggest advantage that Link Research Tools SEO tool offers to its users is that it also details the reports in many similar SEO tools and creates a report accordingly. Other SEO tools in partnership with Link Research Tools include:
  • Moz
  • Majestic SEO
  • Semrush
The application can be used for free as well as for a fee. Link Research Tools, whose free version is at least as optimized as the paid version, is a very important SEO tool for users who want to make error-free operations in the short term.

Monitor Backlinks

The Monitor Backlinks SEO tool, which is highly preferred globally, elaborates the reports by using social media in addition to its common work with other SEO tools. Backlink analysis also allows people to communicate with helpful companies while growing their own brands and sites. With this feature, it allows backlinks not to turn into dead links.
Monitor Backlinks, which offers a detailed site tracking, also allows its users to communicate with each other. Website owners usually try to minimize the risk of error by using more than one SEO tool on their sites. Monitor Backlinks stands out as an application that people can use alone with additional scanning options.

Rank Signals

Rank Signals has one of the most different systems among other SEO tools. The application, which stands out in backlink query and analysis, stands out as one of the systems used as a side tool rather than a direct application.
Rank Signals, which users generally use for backlink analysis and search engine ranking, tries to keep its users up to date by preparing instant reports.

Cognitive SEO

Cognitive SEO application is one of the SEO tools that has the feature of making backlink queries of its users and working optimized with the analysis of these queries. Cognitive SEO reveals a detailed report by conducting cross-site audits. This report starts from backlink data and continues until the creation of the site map with xml extension.
Cognitive SEO offers the analytics and reports that a new user wants to create and see for their site under one roof. The application, which promises high performance to its users, also stands out as a tool that makes in-site improvements.

SEO Spyglass

SEO Spyglass, which has the ability to discover all backlinks that site owners know or don’t know yet, is one of the most detailed SEO tools. It creates a user experience-oriented report system by analyzing backlinks according to the site profiles it creates.

The application reveals all links on a website that point to the main user. SEO Spygalss also improves the user experience by performing competitor analysis during the link uncovering process. The app’s infrastructure includes multiple languages. This makes it possible to receive reports in a wider variety of different languages. SEO Spyglass is also ahead of many competing applications with its backlink analysis reports.

Why Backlink is Important?

While backlinks are just one of the factors that affect site traffic and usage, they are seen as a “must-have” marketing tool. Correctly placed backlinks and the right analysis on top of them positively affect the visibility of the website opened. The site traffic factors directly affected by the backlink are listed as follows:
  • Rankings in search engines move to the top. Research shows that when a site ranks high in search engines, people tend to trust it. The site traffic of a website that is at the top of the rankings is also positively affected at the same rate.
  • It increases the chances of the site being discovered. The correct and appropriate backlink increases traffic between sites. Hyperlinks created for another site or for individuals themselves increase the visibility of the site to other people.
  • Saves referral traffic. The backlinks created increase the redirection between sites. Thus, sites gain visibility in different searches.

A website needs backlinks and backlink analysis for whatever purpose it is established. If people want to grow their websites, they should use recommended backlink inquiry tools and follow the digital agenda closely.