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What is an Internal Link?

Internal Link: It is a link given by a website to its own internal pages or to pages associated with its own domain. Although there is a limitation of the internal link structure; it is only valid for the domain in which it is used. This link output is a type of link that does not include subdomains. When you want to link in this section; There will be External Link output, not Internal Link output.
For example; While the links to or for the domain name are Internal;

The links to be made for will be External.

Code example for Internal Link;


When linking from a page associated with your domain to your target page, ensure that your keyword choices provide context related to that page. This is because links made with descriptive keywords will be more beneficial for you.
The areas where internal links are commonly used are the menus of your site. These types of links are very useful for three reasons:
  • It allows users to easily navigate your website. (Required for user experience.)
  • They help you establish a hierarchy for the information provided on your website.
  • They help spread the power (authority) of your website. When used correctly, it can be a useful work for SEO.

What are the Advantages of Internal Link?

User experience is one of the elements that Google search engine pays the most attention to today. While user experience can improve your relationship with search engines; It allows users to navigate your site seamlessly. Internal Link is actually a fundamental way to improve user experience.
Users can easily access the pages they want to reach without bothering with the search button. Internal linking, especially in a blog structure, makes it easier for users to review the next article and visit that page. This structure, which will also benefit you in terms of SEO, helps to feed other pages belonging to that domain. With all these processes, your site’s visitors will stay on your site longer and your site will become more valuable in the eyes of search engines.

Internal Link Structure and SEO Relationship

Internal linking, also known as internal linking, is very useful in building site architecture and increasing link diversity. While internal links used correctly and without exaggeration help increase page views; Internal linking in a blog post can also help that page get views easily.
If you have pages with high authority in Google’s eyes, internal links from your pages will help spread the authority of that page to other pages and help your site’s overall authority to be high. Another important point to consider for internal linking is that if your goal is to boost the authority of the page you’re linking to, you should avoid using the “nofollow” attribute.

One of the other SEO benefits of internal links is that they make it easier for your site to be crawled and indexed. When you create a page, if you don’t add it to your sitemap or any of the quick access elements, it will be very difficult for search engines to crawl and index your page. The content you have placed on the page will also become useless. To avoid this, you should link your page to the main navigation sections of your site. For example; The subpage named Corporate SEO is connected to the SEO subcategory, while the SEO Category is connected to the main category of Our Services. The main category Our Services is also linked to the home page. As seen here, there is a structure that supports each other.


With an internal link, you can increase your page views and improve your site’s user experience. You can ensure fluidity between links and increase the time users stay on the site. If you want to increase your index speed and shorten the time your site is crawled and indexed, we recommend that you do this work on your page or site, because with this work, it will be easier for you to reach deeper and sub-pages, that is, your users. By working with the right SEO agency, you can contribute to your organic traffic with such processes.