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What is Rank Brain?

Rank Brain, which attracts attention when it comes to SEO studies, is a concept that is frequently mentioned. Rank Brain is a unique artificial intelligence system organized by Google to correct searches made by users.

This artificial intelligence system developed by Google supports Google in returning search results. Rank Brain, which has made a name for itself as a unique machine learning system, has recently managed to become one of the most curious topics.
Although it is a type of artificial intelligence known as machine learning, the system does not need to be taught anything by users, it automatically collects data on its own and functions by learning the necessary information. Thus, it organizes the search results by self-processing.

How does Rank Brain Work?

In the process of creating the Rank Brain system, which has become the center of attention all over the world, millions of words are written mathematically and each word is written in a way that can be understood by the computer system. Thus, the system evaluates the words queried by the user, determines the most ideal website pages and creates a list of search results.

With a unique ability to match words and phrases, the system provides maximum benefit by improving the user experience. Search users find the opportunity to log in to the websites they want in a short time without having to deal with useless pages.

What is the Purpose of the Rank Brain System?

Rank Brain, created by Google, organizes and manages complex queries, especially on the search engine, and presents them to the user by determining the appropriate results. This system is very good at responding to unusual queries in the best possible way and improves the user experience on the search engine.
According to statements made by Google, an average of 3 billion queries are made daily on the search engine, of which approximately 450 million are first-time searches. Rank Brain is perfectly capable of responding to these types of first-time searches, perfectly responding to Google’s needs in this area and helping users get an ideal service.
This artificial intelligence system, which enables Google to be much more successful in the search engine, produces very successful results despite working on predictions. It achieves this by self-learning through the data it gains from the pages it examines. Thus, it performs a very accurate study and creates an ideal result list.

The Place and Importance of Rank Brain System in Content Marketing Process

Rank Brain is an important part of the Google algorithm that provides perfect answers to users making queries on the Google search engine thanks to artificial intelligence and machine learning. By analyzing people’s reactions to search results, this self-learning system learns more and more about what users want with each piece of data it acquires and provides them with more ideal answers. This leads to a tremendous success in terms of user experience.
This is also one of the factors that directly affect content marketing. It is very important to optimize the content for the search engine by working towards the RankBrain algorithm. In the process of content creation, keywords should be chosen as synonyms or close synonyms for the best understanding of the texts. In addition to these, the following details should be taken care of in each of the contents:
  • Content needs to meet users’ expectations.
  • It is important that the content responds fully to the demands.
  • Content should be SEO-oriented.
  • It would be wrong to focus on the keyword when producing content. Instead, care should be taken to choose synonyms.
  • The use of schema flags is necessary for the algorithm to understand the content well.
  • The “Title” and “Discription” sections on the page should be carefully prepared. These should not only consist of keywords. Headlines that are more interactive between users should be included.
Although it is not known exactly how the Rank Brain system affects search results today, it is very important that the content is accurate, comprehensive and understandable, as it is an algorithm that seeks the right answer to search results in general.
In order to manage this process in the best way and to check whether the content is suitable for the algorithm, the work should be monitored regularly. In this way, improvement efforts should be made and development should be made continuous.

Combining Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Rank Brain System

Artificial intelligence and machine learning are used together in the Rank Brain system, which appears as a unique algorithm and brings the Google search engine experience to the next level. Although these two concepts are different from each other, they feed on each other and create a unique unity.
In general, machine learning, which is a combination of probability theory, statistics, artificial intelligence and data mining, allows machines to understand a certain concept.
Thus, the Rank Brain algorithm analyzes and evaluates the answers given to queries by users searching on the internet and responds to new queries according to the data obtained as a result of these evaluations. This shows that we are facing a system that is constantly evolving and renewing itself day by day.
In short, thanks to the Google Rank Brain algorithm, the search engine understands much more easily what users who make inquiries on the search engine page want and ranks the results where they can access the information they want. In this way, users get the answer they are looking for in a short time and get an excellent experience. With this system, which has a great resonance, Google manages to become a much stronger brand.